The small subculture of engaged comics reviewers is getting older, myself included. I really hope that members of the younger generation will start writing about each other. I’m […]
I don’t know what DC would do. Probably wait six years to figure out the situation and then throw something crappy together in a hurry.
And so, as we could have predicted, Amazon wrecks Comixology. What has it been, less than a month since Jeff Bezos bought the most promising tool for renewing […]
Dear Abby, my husband is 26 years old. He drives a truck and nobody would ever take him for anything but a real he-man. My problem is that […]
I don’t really work with people who give me feedback [on my comics], because I just want to do what I want to do.
When I’m reading a book or looking at a painting or watching a movie, I want to feel something in my body. Obviously, the body is beautiful (everyone […]
I like people to look at my stuff, and then again I’m always surprised and happy when they want to. I feel like that with everything I do. […]
I love lying to the reader and making it look like something’s happened when it hasn’t. I do feel bad about killing characters, but I don’t feel bad […]
Anyone can publish now, and there are no restrictions of taste, approach, or subject matter. The gatekeepers are gone, so the prospect for new and different voices is […]