The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen film cost 100 million because Sean Connery wanted 17 million of that – and a bigger explosion that the one he’d had in […]
I don’t have bad blood with Marvel per se, aside from the fact that I think they’re a poorly run company that is partially destroying the comic book […]
I’m outraged and deeply concerned for the future of digital comics. You should be too. Shame on you, ComiXology. Shame on you, Amazon. Shame on you, Jeff Bezos. […]
No idea has proven more damaging to the comics industry than the myth that its professionals – not just creators, but retailers, even distributor – work for love […]
An actual increase in the volume of comics criticism is not necessarily desirable or even achievable considering the state of the industry and art form.
Comics criticism doesn’t actually need more people who are interested in comics (that is a given considering the insular nature of the hobby); what it needs is people […]
Comics must be the only art form where the most prominent commentators in the field (who shall remain nameless) regularly dismiss or deprioritize discussions of the art form […]
If you want to sell things, then sell them–send them to famous cartoonists, influential publishers, and comics critics who are interested in selling things. One influential Tweet by […]
dear william stanhope: most important decision i ever made came at age 9…i was collecting Buck Rogers comic strips, 1929, when my 5th grade classmates made fun of […]
I don’t normally feel like being a woman in this field is enough to justify having to answer questions about it all the time, most frequently: ‘What is […]
Once I’m finished drawing a comic, it’s done for me. It’s over. Everything that happens outside of that, with it being published and people reading it or writing […]
It seems like cartoonists and any freelance craftsperson or artist has to constantly be skirting around the outside of society, trying to find random ways of making money […]
Everyone doesn’t like their early work. It’s just a gut reaction, feeling sick. I can’t look at them or think about them.
There’s an entire generation of young artcomix makers whose work just isn’t being reviewed at all. (…) An entire generation, an entire movement, of altcomix creators who are […]
It’s exceedingly easy to type up your strongest single impression of a new work and post it to Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr, and receive feedback almost immediately. And […]