I’ve come to hate when people say ‘Don’t get into comics.’ I learned to say ‘Fuck that. If you want to get into comics, get into comics.’
I always recognized, from day one, that no one has ever retired from Marvel Comics. You’re there, they pay you for a little while, and then they fire […]
There are few men in comics with chests quite as manly as Wolverine and Nick Fury. There’s also few men in comics who like to show off their […]
I figured that museums, libraries, granting institutions, schools and bookstores had to be colonized so that comics might have a place in the late 20th and now early […]
I was studying Charles Schulz’s Peanuts strips. It seemed so clear that his four-panel setup was just like reading a haiku; it had a specific rhythm to how […]
The best superhero comics that have ever been created are both completely timeless and completely of their time. Their power lies simultaneously in both their simplicity and their […]
There’s no denying that the visual presentation of female characters in mainstream books tends to be all of a piece: eye candy for a predominantly male reader.
I have a profound need to share, to communicate, and comics are a wonderful form of communication that will be hugely important to our evolutionary development as a […]
Spider-Man isn’t a character. He has no arc. He does not develop or grow or change. He’s a logo on children’s underwear.
I plan my stories very, very carefully, years ahead of completion but I l do like to let chaos and dirt into the proceedings, scuzz it up a […]
Around ’88, someone told me the Stan Lee rule – 28(ish) words per panel. An average panel on an average page can’t usefully hold more than 28 words […]
Seriously DC Comics: get a black friend. Male or female, it doesn’t matter, just get one. We’re easy to find. Get one and then ask him if it’s […]
Marvel and DC have to run a business around a franchise of instantly-recognizable characters, so it makes sense that they mostly hire artists who draw in a “superhero” […]