Tintin was fundamentally too sexless to really catch on in America. There are hardly any girls in Hergé’s stories, and there’s also a peculiar sense of responsibility and […]
Cartoonists are all paid more poorly than a prose author would ever be, and this isn’t even factoring in all of this extra work. How many prose authors […]
What I do is form, whereas the comic strip is not formed in the sense I’m using the word; the comics have shapes but there has been no […]
The “words & pictures” that make up the comics language are often described as prose and illustration combined. A bad metaphor: poetry and graphic design seems more apt.
Comics can have a pleasing stillness and quietness. It irritates me when comics try to attach themselves to a music scene, like “punk” or “noise” or “rock n’ […]
Peanuts is long overdue for a serious reappraisal. Its ubiquitous licensing program unfortunately obscures what a well-crafted, beautifully written and drawn strip it is. Peanuts is one of […]
The visual attraction of the comics is largely a thing of the past. Until something is done to restore the size of comics, they will only continue to […]
A beautiful strip like Pogo would be impossible to read at today’s sizes. Adventure strips are dead. Comics have been deprived of much of their ability to entertain. […]
To save space, newsprint, and money, newspapers have been reducing the size of comics for years. It has gotten to the point now, where cartoons can no longer […]
New cartoonists don’t have to reinvent the wheel. They can build on others’ accomplishments. Books allow cartoons to live longer and that’s a real service.
I’m convinced that licensing would sell out the soul of Calvin and Hobbes. The world of a comic strip is much more fragile than most people realize. Once […]
I have no interest in turning my characters into commodities. If I’d wanted to sell plush garbage, I’d have gone to work as a carny.
Nicholas Mahler applied to the art school when he was like twenty-five, and he also showed some comics and the professor said, “These are interesting drawings… but you […]
Either you remember your dreams and write them down or you make your dreams and see what they were after you’ve drawn and written them.